Fundstück, 2022

While die Arbeiter (the workers) (2022) creates its openness through multiple levels, in the next work this is rather achieved through a form of reduction. Likethe sink, the black piece of plastic Fundstück (Found Item) (2022) is an individual found object that has been discarded and is now used as a readymade. This object isfrom a motor vehicle, and its original function can no longer be identified. In connection with contemporary trends in art production and conventions of the reception of art, it can easily be seen as a presentday work of sculpture, even if we cannot read much more than its color, form, and vague idea of the material. With the advent of abstraction, the isolation of an objectfrom its original functional context leads to a kind of circular argument that says something about how art is made and also about the ways of seeing that lead tounderstanding art and the expertise that this entails.
Fundstück, 2022
75 × 40 × 30 cm
Courtesy Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna
Heinrich Dunst
Among many others we allow us to highlight following shows: nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder, Vienna (2019, 2013), House of Art, České Budějovice (2018), KOW, Berlin (2016, 2014), Kunstverein Schwaz (2015), Ludwig Forum, Aachen (2015), Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna (2014) and Secession, Vienna (2014).