Tomorrow 25 Sat Youth Literature Workshop 25.1.2025 11:00–14:00 h ProgramWorkshopJugendliteraturwerkstatt 25.2.2025
30 Thu Anne-Kathrin ReuleckeWired Subjects. Literature in the Technocene 30.1.2025 18:00–19:00 h ProgramLectureAnne-Kathrin Reulecke Wired Subjects: Literature in the Technocene
5 Wed Radio Helsinki xHALLE FÜR KUNST 5.2.2025 17:00–20:00 h EducationWorkshopRadio Helsinki, HALLE FÜR KUNST
6 Thu Julia HoydisExtinction Narratives – Narratives of the (Im)possible Ends of our World 6.2.2025 18:00–19:00 h ProgramLectureJulia Hoydis, Extinction Narratives – Erzählungen von (un)möglichen Enden unserer Welt
13 Thu Jan TappeCurator's Tour 13.2.2025 18:00–19:00 h ProgramExhibition TourJan Tappe, Kuratorenführung
15 Sat Panther Reading GroupGreat Women Sculptors 15.2.2025 15:00–17:00 h EducationWorkshopPanther Reading Group, Great Women Sculptors
21 Fri Lisa Le FeuvreGreat Women Sculptors 21.2.2025 18:00–19:00 h ProgramLectureLisa Le Feuvre, Great Women Sculptors
23 Sun Open Call – Live ReadingOne Million Years by On Kawara 23.2.2025 Open CallReading-Performanceopen call OMY