… Was ist Kunst? … Resuming Fragmented Histories
Catalogue, 2015
16.5 × 23.0cm, 253 pages
16.5 × 23.0cm
253 pages
Illustrations in color
German / English
Edited by:
Sandro Droschl, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, 2015
With texts by:
Sandro Droschl, Christian Egger, Marina Gržinić, Antonia Majača, Suzana Milevska
Graphic design:
Nik Thoenen, Maia Gusberti
Verlag für Moderne Kunst, Nuremberg
This publication has been supported by Galerie Franz Elbaz, Paris; Gandy Gallery, Bratislava; Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam; Galerie Ernst Hilger, Vienna; joon film, Berlin; Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna; KD Group, Ljubljana; Galerie Krobath, Vienna, Berlin; Tanya Leighton Gallery, Berlin; Galerija Gregor Podnar, Berlin; Gabriele Senn Galerie, Vienna; Stephan Stoyanov Gallery New York; Erste Stiftung, Vienna; Generali Foundation, Vienna; Tomislav Gotovac Institute, Zagreb; Moderna Galerija, Ljubljana; Museum of Contemporary Art of Republic of Srpska, Banja Luca; Bakić Family, Branka Benčić, Barbara Borčićm Freiwillige Feuerwehr Gratikorn, IRWIN, Veronica Kaup-Hasler, Druckerei Khil, Dalibor Martinis, Vize-Bürgermeister a.D. Gemeinde Gratkorn Heinz Ober, O&T, Danijel Pnagerc, Igor Španjol Steinbruch / quarry Hannes Tieber GmbH, Raša Todosijevič, KFZ-Wuthe Pannen und Abschleppdienst
32.00 €
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The catalog was published on the occasion of the exhibition … Was ist Kunst? … Resuming Fragmented Histories (9.21.2013 – 11.21.2013) at Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien.
The project represented an attempt to facilitate the renegotiation of the question “What is art?” – as posed in the eponymous performance series by Raša Todosijević, with the artist having represented Serbia at the Venice Biennale 2011 – in a new exhibition context at Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien. It was not to approach this important existing work with a retrospective gaze, but rather to focus on this pertinent question that has long remained unanswered, despite being posed to the point of exhaustion. To investigate the existential question against the background of the massively changed territorial and cultural relations in Central Europe.
Mrdan Bajić, Vojin Bakić, Mladen Bizumić, Braco Dimitrijević, Aleksandra Domanović, Bojan Fajfrić, Tomislav Gotovac, Marina Grižinić, Aina smid, Dušan Mandič, Zvonka T Simčič, Ibro Hasanović, Ana Hoffner, IRWIN, Hristina Ivanoska, Sanka Iveković, Adela Jušić, Lana Čamjčanin, Šejla Kamerić, Marko Krojač, Laibach, Marko Lulić, David Maljković, Luiza Margan, Dalibor Martinis, OHO, Tanja Ostojić, Marko Pogačnik, Renata Polikjak, Marta Popivoda, Sašo Sedlaček, Raša Todosijević, Goran Trbuljak