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K8 Hardy

Catalogue, 2014
21.0 × 29.7cm, 36 pages 

21.0 × 29.7cm
36 pages
Illustrations in color

Edited by:
Sandro Droschl, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, 2014

With a text by:
Christian Egger

Graphic design:
Nik Thoenen, Maia Gusberti

Exhibition views by:
Markus Krottendorfer

Print and binding:
Medienfabrik, Graz

13.00 €

incl. shipping 



The catalog was published on the occasion of the exhibition K8 Hardy: YDRAH 8K (8.23.20149.18.2014) at Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien.

K8 Hardy’s works of art garner performative energy from various fields and studies, frequently from the area of fashion, for example, and generally from current forms of representation and modi of self-presentation in digital-based social networks. In the process, she avoids committing herself to a single artistic medium, eludes artisanal virtuosity in photography, sculpture, and video, and produces as if drawing on a gigantic maelstrom of self-documentation and fashionable, queer-visionary transformation of identity.


Participating artists

K8 Hardy

*1977 Fort Worth Texas, lives in New York

holds a BA in Film and Women’s Studies from Smith College, an independent study program from the Whitney Museum of American Art, and an MFA from the Milton Avery Graduate School of Art at Bard College. Hardy is a founding member of the Queer Feminist Journal and the Queer Feminist Artist Collective LTTR. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art and has been exhibited and performed internationally.