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Panther Reading Group 


Dirk Bell, Remembran, 2006 – 24
Drawings on paper, two handmade shelves, ventilator, various objects
36040200 cm

Courtesy the artist, photo: kun​st​-doku​men​ta​tion​.com

To contextualise the exhibitions Franz Kapfer: Atlanten — Ich oder das Chaos and Isabel Lewis & Dirk Bell: Ever/​Repair, we would like to bring into life a reading group to address the pivotal questions which arise through the current exhibitions: What can we learn from history? How can be imagine a peaceful coexistence and what do we need to do in order to achieve this? What are the underlying connections exemplified by the artistic positions of the exhibitions?

Departing from a joint discussion on Sigmund Freud’s Why War? (1932) and Sylvia Wynter’s Maskarade (1970), which can be associated with the two exhibitions, we would like to reflect not only beyond the exhibitions, but also bring them into a fruitful dialogue. 

Please register by 29 August 2024: cf@​halle-​fuer-​kunst.​at
If you require the texts, we are happy to send them to you after registration. 

Dirk Bell, Remembran, 2006 – 24
Drawings on paper, two handmade shelves, ventilator, various objects
36040200 cm

Courtesy the artist, photo: kun​st​-doku​men​ta​tion​.com