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Themed guided tour: Post-Surrealism/Post-Internet

Exhibition Tour 

RIDICULOUSLY YOURS! Art, Awkwardness, and Enthusiasm, 2023
Exhibition view, HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Graz

Photo: kunst​-doku​men​ta​ti​on​.com

The Post-Surrealism/Post-Internet chapter takes us into a contemporary world of madness and absurdity that at times feels like a TikTok nightmare. Dreams and surreal elements interact with current social and political issues and the influences of the digital era. Digital media, collage, photomanipulation, and other techniques create a hybrid aesthetic that explores the tension between the analog world of the unconscious and the digital world of connectivity. 

During the tour of the exhibition RIDICULOUSLY YOURS! Art, Awkwardness and Enthusiasm, the chapter Post-Surrealism/Post-Internet and its realization in the HALLE FÜRKUNST and the Neue Galerie will be explored through selected artistic positions, and the curatorial and design concept will be explained. Among other things, we will encounter trance-like video monologues by Yun Choi, a pink GDR shoe store by Henrike Naumann, and surreal collages by Ashley Hans Scheirl. 

The tour begins at 5 p.m. at Neue Galerie Graz and continues afterwards at HALLE FÜR KUNST.

​Duration: approx. 2 hours
Attendance: 3€ plus admission to the exhibition 
Venue: Neue Galerie Graz, Foyer

RIDICULOUSLY YOURS! Art, Awkwardness, and Enthusiasm, 2023
Exhibition view, HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Graz

Photo: kunst​-doku​men​ta​ti​on​.com