Themed guided tour: Camp
Exhibition Tour

RIDICULOUSLY YOURS! Art, Awkwardness, and Enthusiasm, 2023
Exhibition view, HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Graz
The themes of humor and enthusiastic awkwardness that run through the exhibition RIDICULOUSLY YOURS! Art, Awkwardness and Enthusiasm are closely related to the notion of camp – a style that celebrates the kitschy and bad taste. Through exaggeration, irony, and deliberate artificiality, a form of expression emerges that celebrates the comic and absurd while exploring deeper cultural and social meanings. That this style extends beyond the trivial and superficial is evident in works such as Jakob Lena Knebl’s eerie witches, Shana Moulten’s esoteric sauna tent, and Jean-Luc Verna’s flower-filled heads.
During the tour, the chapter Camp and its realization in the HALLE FÜR KUNST and the Neue Galerie will be explored through selected artistic positions, and the curatorial and design concept will be explained.
The tour begins at 4 p.m. at HALLE FÜR KUNST and continues afterwards at Neue Galerie.
Duration: approx. 2 hours
Attendance: 3€ plus admission to the exhibition
Venue: HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Foyer

RIDICULOUSLY YOURS! Art, Awkwardness, and Enthusiasm, 2023
Exhibition view, HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Graz