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Guided Tour in the Ernst Fuchs Church
Location: Thal bei Graz 


Photo: Zairon via Wikimedia Commons

In the town of Thal, located in the region around Graz, there is a parish church dedicated to St. James, which was artistically opulent as well as playfully decorated by Ernst Fuchs, a main representative of the Fantastic Realists. He designed the memorable architecture of the building in its present form together with Manfred Fuchsbichler, and the completion of the extensive reconstruction and addition took place in 1994. Fuchs was considered a profound connoisseur of biblical scriptures, as well as of Christian and Jewish symbolism, and designed the extension of St. James’ Church in the sense of a total work of art, which enriched the sculptural expression of the building with expressive color symbolism and impressive lighting direction. The Fantastic Surrealists exhibition – which also features a work by Ernst Fuchs – serves as an opportunity for a joint tour of the sacred Gesamtkunstwerk. From the three pointed gable roof structures and the mighty entrance gates to the altar made of turquoise crystal glass, there is much to discover here.

Pfarrkirche St. Jakobus
Kirchberg 1, 8051 Thal

Cost: 3 euros per person

Photo: Zairon via Wikimedia Commons