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Resurrection Lands
Danielle Braithwaite-Shirley 

Online Game

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Resurrection Lands, 2020, Online Game

Courtesy of the artist

Resurrection Lands (2020) is an online game by Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley that explores the effects of trans tourism.” Brathwaite-Shirley refers to trans tourism”as the voyeuristic and inappropriate use of the representation of (black) trans people. The artist criticizes that the inappropriate treatment results in the exploitation of painful and traumatic experiences. In contrast, Brathwaite-Shirley is concerned with how to protect those most at risk of being erased from history: We have discovered the technology to scan the earth and digitally bring back the memories of the buried black trans ancestors. These memories are made comprehensible and sentient within the archive. As the archive became more and more popular it also began to be misused and mistreated. After a while it is now possible to access the archive solely through an esports tournament. You participate in this tournament to enter the archive. Which team will you pick?”

The work will be available on the Study Room website up to and including October 282021.


Participating artists

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley

(lives in London)

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley is a non disciplinary, non-binary artist working predominantly in animation, sound, performance and video games to communicate the experiences of being a black trans person. The artistic practice focuses on recording the lives of black trans people, intertwining lived experience, fiction and interactivity to create work that refuses to let viewers be passive. The works are often seen as a form of autonomous archiving in which the experience shifts and moulds based on the identity of the user as well as the choices they make during the experiences.

Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Resurrection Lands, 2020, Online Game

Courtesy of the artist