Laura Põld
*1984 Tallinn, lives in Tallinn and Vienna
is an interdisciplinary artist from Estonia, who has been awarded with a number of prizes and scholarships like the Eduard Wiiralt scholarship, Ado Vabbe scholarship, annual prize of The Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Köler Prize grand prix, and the grand prize of The Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
She has recently exhibited at Kunstraum Memphis, Linz; Vienna Art Week Open Studios program, Vienna; Gallery Vaal, Tallinn; ARS Showroom, Tallinn; Tartu Art House, Tartu; Gallery Hobusepea, Tallinn; Kunda Cement Museum, Kunda; Atelierhaus Höherweg e. V., Düsseldorf; Gallery Maebashi Works, Japan; Christianshavn, Copenhagen; Tartu Art Museum, Tartu; and the Gallery Chemin du Bonheur, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi.